Descripción detallada Lote 185

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Subasta 1051T, Lote # 185


-The Girl who Dreamed.
-Stories for Christmas.
-Treasury of Animal.
-The Parrots.
-The story of Chinaman´s Hat.
-Hilo Legends.
-One fish, two fish, red fish.
-Green Eggs and Ham.
-The Scarlet Flower.
-Los Aguinaldos del Nene.
-El Nene se Intruye.
-How Summer Came to Canada.
-The Mountain Goats.
-The Royal Raven.
-Sleep Book.
-The Wild Swans.
The Little Mermaid.
-Rain Forest Coloring Book.
-Vicente Huidorbo: Poemas Ilustrados.
-Gabriela Mistral. Poemas Ilustrados.
-Lady Cottington.
-Scenes from Ancient Egypt
-Hop o my Thumbs Wanderings.
-Red Riding Hood.
-Hour in Many Lands.
-Feathered Friend.
-Island of the Blue Dolphins.
-Eloise ar Christmastime.
-The Volcano.
-Go, dog, go.
-Put me in the Zoo.
-I wish that i had Duck Feet.
-The Cat in the Hat.
-Christmas Surprises.
-The Nighr before Christmas.
-The Fire Stealer.
-Ishi's tale of Lizard
Total de piezas: 42.
Estimado $1,000-1,500

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