Subasta 780, Lote # 296 J. F. HERRING (INGLATERRA, SIGLO XIX) FOX - HUNTING, PLATE "3". Litografía coloreada, con la referencia "FORES'S NATIONAL SPORTS.". Grabador J. HARRUS, editorial MESS RS, FORES. Con la leyenda: " __The Riders bend O'er their arch'd necks : with steady hands, by turns Indulge their speed, or moderate their rage.", "Happy the Man who with unrivall´d speed Can pass his fellows, and with pleasure view The struggling Pack." -Somervile y en la esquina superior izquierda la referencia: "PLATE 5.". Detalles de conservación. Dimensiones: 54 x 106 cm Estimado $6,000-8,000