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Subasta 957, Lote # 22

AC1847 - Eaton, Horace / Wood, George T. / Bowen, Henry. Resoluciones de las Legislaturas de, Vermont, Texas y Rhode Island, Relativos a la Guerra con México, Esclavitud y Aranceles.
a) Eaton, Horace. Resoluciones de la Legislatura de Vermont, Relativas a la Esclavitud y a la Guerra con México. Washington, febrero 9 de 1847.
1 h. 22.4 x 14 cm. 29th Congress, 2d Session. Doc. No. 81. Mexican War, and Slavery.
"Whereas in our judgment, the existing war with Mexico was not founded in any imperative necessity, such as may justify or excuse a Christian nation for resorting to arms… the honor and best interests of the nation will be subserved by a Speedy end of the war with Mexico […] Vermont will not give its countenance, aide, or assent to the admission into the federal Union of any new State whose constitution tolerates slavery".
b) Wood, George T. Resoluciones de la Legislatura de Texas, Relativas a la Enmienda Wilmot, la Esclavitu, el Arancel Walker y la Guerra con México. Washington, mayo 18 de 1848.
22. 7 x 14 cm. 2 p. 30th Congress, 1st Session. Miscelánea 91. "Proviso", Slavery, the Tariff and the War with Mexico.
"Be it resolved by the Legislature of the State of Texas, that any attempt on the part of the Congress of the United States to interfere with the domestic and internal policy of the States or Territories is unwarranted by the constitution of the United States […] We deny the right of the Congress of the United States to pass any law prohibiting any state, that may hereafter be admitted into the Union, from coming in either with or without slavery […] The just and equitable mode of raising evenue is to levy a tariff on the ad valorem principle, for purposes of revenue as contradistinguished from the protective policy […] We consider the War with Mexico as necessary to the vindication of our national honor".
c) Bowen, Henry. Resoluciones de la Asamblea General de Rhode Island, Relativas al Arancel de 1842 o Arancel Negro, Esclavitud y la Guerra con México. Washington, febrero 10 de 1847.
22.4 x 14.5 cm. 3 p. 29th Congress, 2d Session. Doc. No. 85. Tariff, Slavery, Mexican War, etc.
"The policy of affording adequate protection to the capital and labor employed in the production of domestic manufactures has at all times been asserted by the legislatures of this State, and received the the undivided and hearty concurrence of their constituents […] The tariff on imports enacted by Congress, August, 1842, was well conceived and adapted to afford such adequate protection […] We protest against the introduction of slaves, upon any terms, into any territory that is now pervaded by it […] We cannot but lament the waste of treasure and life which has hitherto atended a contest waged to no valuable end".
Total de piezas: 3.

Estimado $4,000-6,000

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