Descripción detallada Lote 125

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Subasta 1236T, Lote # 125

Stereographic Library. Tour of the World.
Fotografías Estereoscopicas.
U.S.A: Keystone View Company.
Vol. I - VI.
Con estereoscopio en metal.
-Charmin Outlook across valley to the white mountains.
-Our Ambassador of the Air.
-The Nations Pride - Washington.
-The President of the United States and his cabinet.
-See them from the air - The world repowped skyscrapers.
-New York City´s Proudest Thoroughfare fifth avenue looking north from thirty - eighth street.
-The sponge Fleet, Bahama Islandia.
-Looking north over soldiers and sailors monument and the heart of Indianapolis.
-Pouring off Cylinder blocks in the ford plant, Dtroit, Mich.
Entre otras.
En estuche.
Total de piezas: 301.
Estimado $13,000-20,000

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