Descripción detallada Lote 30

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Mill, Nicholas. The History of Mexico, from the Spanish Conquest to the Present Era. London: Printed for Sherwood, Jones and Co., 1824.
8o. marquilla, XII + 300 p. Containing a condensed and connected general view of the manners, customs, religion, commerce, soil, and agriculture - animal, vegetable, and mineral productions - A concise political and statistical review of the changes effected in that country, with its present form of government, &c. &c. Also, observations, speculative and practical, as to the best means of working the MEXICAN MINES, by a combination of british talent, capital, and machinery. Un mapa plegado, coloreado: "North America'' Alex Macpherson, del. - Cooper sculp. Ex Libris de Joaquín Cortina Goribar. Sellos de antiguo propietario. Manchas de óxido. Encuadernado en pasta dura, lomo en piel.

Estimado $2,000-3,000

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