

through its artwork, jewelry, watches, antiques, requires immediate liquidity, our financing system gives you an advance, with the opportunity to decide whether to auction or reclaim their pieces.

Traditional Financing:
For those who wish to reclaim their pieces.
Bridge Financing:
For those who want an advance on the sale of the piece at auction.


Traditional Financing:
1. Bring or send a picture of the work
2. Free Valuation
3. Signing Contract
4. Loan

Bridge Financing:
1. Bring or send a picture of the work
2. Free Valuation
3. Signing Contract
4. Advance loan for auction


Personal and comfortable.
Exclusive service offices and independent corporate building and auction halls.


We make your your privacy our responsibility, we have personalized individual cubicles.


For peace of mind, the pieces that you put into our hands, besides being insured, are in protective vaults with smoke detectors, monitoring and security personnel.


We give to your pieces, the renowned track record of Morton's Auction House and their expert knowledge appraisers of Art, Jewelry, Watches and Antiques.